Getting Started With AppleScript

What's AppleScript?

AppleScript the programming language for MacOS. It can be used with Finder and other applications that support AppleScript. Writing AppleScript is much easier than writing programs in other languages such as Basic, C or JavaScript. The language can be extended by applications that support AppleScript, thus making AppleScript a very powerful tool to control different applications.

The language used is very similar to written English, and it is very flexible, allowing different synonyms to be used. But, when learning AppleScript can sometimes be a bit tricky to find out the correct syntax to use it to its full power.

Allmost all scriptable applications support parts of the programming model recommended by Apple. One problem though, is that most application's AppleScript commands usually differ slightly, so one is often required learn how to script each application by trial and error and by reading or modifying other scripts.

PageSpinner is no exception, but there are several scripts included, so you may be able start with one of these scripts and try to modify it to suit your need.

Script Editor IconAppleScript is one of the many great features available in MacOS as it enables you to have different applications collaborate to create powerful custom solutions.

To be able to use AppleScript you will need to have the following in your system's Extension folder:
- the extension named AppleScriptTM
- the file English Dialect in the sub folder Scripting Additions : Dialects.

If you are having problems running PageSpinner's AppleScripts you could try to see if you can run other AppleScripts created with Script Editor, there are some scripts included with system 7.5 or later. If this still doesn't work you should install AppleScript from your System disks. AppleScript is included in System 7.5 and System 7 Pro, but not in older versions of the System software, such as version 7.1. The AppleScript software can also be downloaded from the official AppleScript site (see below).

AppleScript Resources on the Web

Here is a list of links to resources on the web where additional information and online books about AppleScript can be found:

OSA Menu

If you find that there is not enough room in PageSpinner's Script Menu you can download and install OSA Menu extension, written by Leonard Rosenthol. OSA Menu is the essential tool for running AppleScript scripts.

Once installed OSA Menu adds a Script menu in the menu bar that enables you to run both universal and application specific scripts. OSA Menu creates a folder in your System Folder named "Scripts" and within this folder will be created a new folder for each application that you use.

If you write or download an AppleScript for PageSpinner, save it either as a compiled script or as an application in System Folder:Scripts:PageSpinner Scripts. You will then have the script available from the menu bar to add functionality in PageSpinner. OSA Menu will also give you the option to run scripts in Finder and lots of other applications that support AppleScript.

You can download OSA Menu 1.1b2 from any/all of the following sites.

If these links don't work you could try to look for an updated version in one of the directories specified above, or check out the support page at PageSpinner's web site.

Last updated: 6/10/97
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